Þar sé ég föður minn.
Þar sé ég móður mína
og systur mínar og bræður.
Þar sé ég röð feðra ættar my people,allt frá beginning.
They call til me,
they biðja me að take mér place among them,
in the halls of Valhalla where the brave may live forever
I recently started back into coding in the past few weeks. I haven't done anything resembling computer programming since high school. Getting back into something like programming can be difficult because I know what I should be able to do but it has been so long I don't know how to do it, the syntax used, or even many of the technical terms. Now that's where my Icelandic to English reference to one of Antonio Banderas best movies comes in.
I have many close friends that are coders or involved in the tech community. They are all very excited to see me getting into a field they enjoy but having been in it for a while they speak a different language sometimes. Also I started listening to podcasts like .NET Rocks and Hanselminutes. Needless to say I felt like Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan in The 13th Warrior. I knew I would get to a point of speaking with them but so much of it was confusing especially the books I bought on C#.
Taking a step back I went through a C# fundamentals for beginners tutorial and found podcasts more at my level such as Code Newbie. Yesterday it clicked for me and I started understanding the language and the jargon. I spent the day at my friend Will's home office studying while he worked and answered my questions. On the way home I started listening to a podcast and I understood what they were talking about.
This may not be a big deal to someone getting a CS degree but back high school I had learned QBasic, Turbo Pascal, and was starting to learn C++ and Visual Basic. So I felt I should have a better understanding starting off. To my surprise I did not. In college I majored in psychology and ultimately made my way to medical school. Talk about not for me, it was educational but I realized not what I want to do with my life.
I joined Twitter @BowtieBeej just so that I could follow the Code Newbie Twitter chat. I joined in for the first time this evening. It was a great experience and I would suggest anyone that is new to coding check it out.
This is getting long so I'll end for now, not bad for a first blog though. I'll do my best to post at least once a week about my progress for those interested and a few other fun things as they happen.